Conversion definition
A conversion is an action a user can complete on your website that matches with your business goals and adds value to your business (i.e. a purchase, sign-up to a newsletter or filling out a contact form).
How do we increase and optimise conversions?
We use a wide blend of technologies and techniques in order to analyse your lead funnels' performance and to ensure your business goals are achieved.
Our unique approach of using the latest technology as well as the most up to date optimisation techniques allows us to get the best of both worlds - the speed efficiency of technology combined with the skill, experience and detail of manual conversion optimisation.
What is Conversion Optimisation?
In order to increase overall ROI of any particular campaign, optimisation is the key. The term conversion optimisation refers to a number of regular steps taken in order to increase overall volume (sales, leads, sign ups, etc) while also reducing the cost per acquisition/sale (CPA) on an ongoing basis.
At Azam Marketing we diligently follow a number of intricate steps in order to make sure that we are efficiently optimising all campaigns.
We are through in our approach and optimise the account from keyword level right up to ad-copy and landing page level. We conduct a number of tests such as alternative keyword targeting matches, dynamic keyword insertion, landing page A-B testing, to name but a few.
Our aim is to work closely with our clients to grow their business while reducing their costs and maintaining a long lasting fruitful relationship.
Steps we take to optimise conversion rate:
Focused, granular campaigns and ad groups
Keyword research
Negative keywords
Specific ad texts with strong CTAs
Deep linked landing pages
Site Links
Geo-targeting – locations
Mobile targeting
Search Network
Display Network
Analysing data / performance results
Continuous fine-tuning of campaigns to CPA/CPL